Last Updated:18 April, 2001

JanewayChakotay Writing Guide.


Welcome to our Writing Guide. Have you ever noticed that some people can churn out a story in a matter of hours? Well Queen A is definately not one of those people! lol People like her (that is, me) get an idea, and then try to write something, but usually end up staring at their monitor or at a blank piece of paper for a looong time, or might get "stuck" once they reach a point in their story. Heck, I'm stuck now! just ask AW how frustrating it is to wait for someone like me to contribute to part of a story! sorry AW : )

Which is why I thought I would put a writing guide on this site. I've been surfing the net getting ideas on ways to help me inprove my writing, and thought it would be great to share some of the things I've found with you. Even better to share them, if it might result in some new J/C stories : ) So the things you will find within these page have been designed to inpire J/C! I hope you enjoy it, and learn a few things.. and I can't wait to see what stories you come up with!

~ Queen A






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