With Dreams We See the Truth
by Sally

SUMMARY: Sometimes a spirit guide is not needed to determine the path of your life
DISCLAIMER: The characters ain't mine, the challenge ain't mine. But the idea sure is g
NOTE: This is not designed to be humerous but more, I don't know. Serious? Thought provoking? Anyway, it does give the desired result. The dreams are our drabbles, incidentally.

He woke up sweating from the dreams of death, saw the figure beside him, the blond hair on the pillow.

Seven. He relaxed.

Seven? No, wasn't right.

He woke up.

Remembering nightmares he turned to the woman next to him. "Kathryn, what did you do with Seven?"

She opened her eyes. "Ssh, Chakotay, it's alright." Reaching to the floor she lifted up an object for him. "See, there's not much blood." The knife glinted in starlight.

He woke again, now alone. "No relationship with Seven," he decided. He knew now there would always be just one woman for him. Kathryn.


Site Copyright JanewayChakotay 2001
Story Copyright Sally 2001