Potted Peril
by Kayla

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: They may not be mine but I don't care!

*Sickbay to the bridge. Has anyone seen Seven? She's late for her physical.*

"Isn't she answering her comm badge?"

*No, Captain. I'm concerned. It's unlike her to be late.*

Janeway turned to Harry Kim.

"Lock on to her comm badge and beam her to the bridge."

The bridge crew stared in horrified silence as the transporter beam coalesced to reveal a large plant wrapped in a death grip around an asphyxiated ex-Borg.

"Isn't that your prehensile plant?" Chakotay asked, finally.

"I gave it to Seven to cheer up the cargo bay."

"Didn't you warn her to keep well clear?"


Site Copyright JanewayChakotay 2001
Story Copyright Kayla 2001