W Visit
Canberra, Australia
- Stories
"The Ballad of an Invisible Man", "The
Strange Case of the Matchmaker Ghost", & my
latest work in progress - the "Little Blue World"
A/U series.
- Fav
Story you have written: "Fair Game", a
poking fun at Fair Haven story. It was very theraputic.
- Fav
Story you have read: Too many to name.
- Fav
authors you visit regularly: Ditto.
- Fav
way of killing seven off: I prefer to pretend she
doesn't exist in the first place. Works for me!
- Fav
J/C or voyager quote: "If I miss, I get to
be the Captain". (from Coda, of course)
- More
about me: I've been trained as an historian in RL
but I write all sorts of things - including fiction,
poetry, and music for piano and guitar. I enjoy writing
JC fic for many reasons, but mostly because, as Ursula
le Guin explained once, it's damned hard work inventing
your own universe. Much easier to play with someone