Last Updated:18 April, 2001

1st JanewayChakotay Fanfic Contest.

Submit your Entry


This is where you submit your entries for the contest! But first, a few things:

~ You may submit your entry using the form below or you may email your entry to me

~ Please make sure you include a valid email adress.. this is so that I can confirm your entry has been recieved, and added, and so I can contact you if you are a winner. *this is required - no email addy, no entry*

~ Please include the URL of your story! I know it seems obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people forget : )

~ If the form doesnt work for some reason, or if you have NOT recieved a confirmation email from me within 48hrs of submitting your entry, then please email me!

~ Please only submit one story at a time, and make sure your link is a direct link to your story!

Submit Your Entry



Story Title:
Story Author (s):
Story URL:


Your email adress:




Copyright 2001
Disclaimer: Star Trek Voyager and its characters are the Property of Paramount.
No infringement is intended, this is a non profit page.