Writing exersices are a bit like
the prompts, except they help you organise your thoughts
and write something structured instead of just freewriting
about the prompt. So look at the following exercises,
pick one that sounds interesting to you and try to write
something : )
1. Write a scene in mostly dialog
where either Janeway or Chakotay has a secret that is
not told.
2. Write a scene where Janeway
and Chakotay are to meet somewhere, but one does not show
3. Open the dictionary and pick
five words at random. Write a passage that incorporates
all five words.
4. Select a favorite image of Janeway,
Chakotay or Both of them together. Pretend you were there
when the picture was taken. Write about what you remember
from that day.
5. Compare Janeway, Chakotay, or
their relationship, to an element (earth, wind, fire,
and water) Write about why you chose the one you did.
6. Start a small passage with -
I wish I could touch......
7. Start a small passage with - I wish I could give......
8. Janeway or Chakotay has an unforgettable
dream... write about it.