101 Ways to Kill A Borg.
By Jett Wall

Disclaimer: Paramount owns...yadda, yadda, yadda.

Chakotay shakes his head in frustration: "She said she missed the Collective not the collector,Kathryn!"

Kathryn unfazed says: "Collective, collector what's the difference?"

Chakotay tries patient reasoning: "Well, one assimilates while the other incinerates."

Kathryn: "Well excuse me, Next time have her clarify! Oh wait there won't be a next time will there?".

Chakotay is left shaking in his boots as the Captain walks off saying over her shoulder.

"I guess this means I won't be allowed to take out the trash anymore. Crap, one little mistake!"


Site Copyright JanewayChakotay 2001
Story Copyright JetWall 2001