by margaret


The scene is sickbay.


"Yes, Doctor?"

"It's Seven. Her injuries are quite severe."

"How severe?" The captain looked at her hand and reminded herself she needed a manicure after she'd finished here.

"Well, she's lost the use of both legs. Lost one eye, and one arm."

"Really, that bad?" She tried to sound concerned.

"Yes, but don't worry. We can re-build her, we have the technology. She will be stronger, faster than before. I only need your authorisation on this chitty to spend the six million bars of gold pressed latinum to do the work."

The captain thought about it. "I don't think so Doctor. I can think of better things to spend the money on. I'll be in the beauty parlour if you need me. I have a date with Chakotay tonight and want to look my best." With that the Captain left.

The doctor put down the authorisation PADD he'd been holding and turned off Seven's life support machine. "I'll never get to use my bionic talents." he said to an empty sickbay.

The end.


Copyright 2001