by JoJo

Paramount owns them, im only playing!


"Doctor I want you to turn Sevens cortical implant into an antenna"

" Why captain?"

" She is part of the away team, and communications to this planet are limited, her implant will enhance the range, and enable a lock on the crew"

Seven, Chakotay and Tom beam down to explore the planet.

" captain, im reading an electrical storm approaching" Harry announced

" All power to the deflectors, shields up"

Chakotay to Voyager

Voyager here go ahead commander

" emergency three to beam up"

" Captain?"

" Beam up denied, shields are at full"

" But Captain sssssshhhhhkkkkkkkkkkk"


"captain seven has been struck by lightening, her implant has been targeted as a condutor"

*Snigger snigger*

" How bad is she(please please!)...........Commander?

" Weve lost her captain, her implant exploded, not a pretty sight!"

* It wasnt anyway! Ha Barbie got you!*

Chakotay, Tom and remains of seven materialise in transporter room.

" Im so sorry commander, I had no idea of the eletrrical charge around the planet* lie lie* here let me console you" places his head on her heavily heaving chest.

" Im sure i could find a way to cheer you up!"

Site Copyright JanewayChakotay 2001
Story Copyright JoJo 2001