by JoJo
owns them, im only playing!
I want you to turn Sevens cortical implant into an antenna"
Why captain?"
She is part of the away team, and communications to this planet
are limited, her implant will enhance the range, and enable a lock
on the crew"
Chakotay and Tom beam down to explore the planet.
captain, im reading an electrical storm approaching" Harry
All power to the deflectors, shields up"
to Voyager
here go ahead commander
emergency three to beam up"
Beam up denied, shields are at full"
But Captain sssssshhhhhkkkkkkkkkkk"
seven has been struck by lightening, her implant has been targeted
as a condutor"
How bad is she(please please!)...........Commander?
Weve lost her captain, her implant exploded, not a pretty sight!"
* It
wasnt anyway! Ha Barbie got you!*
Tom and remains of seven materialise in transporter room.
Im so sorry commander, I had no idea of the eletrrical charge around
the planet* lie lie* here let me console you" places his head
on her heavily heaving chest.
Im sure i could find a way to cheer you up!"