Shooting Blanks
by JoJo


" what is the purpose of this game?"

" ITs an old earth game, a test of nerve, its called russian roulette"

" but were not russian??"

" oh seven just play"

The six sat at the table, the gun was spun, and as if a magnet was upon it, it went straight for seven.

" Do I win?"

" not yet, you have to put the gun to your head and pull the trigger"

Seven looked at the Captain, " but........."

All eyes watched the gun as it was raised and aimed at the Borgs temple, Seven noticed a distinct gleam in the captains eye.

" Bang!"

Borg brains splashed their way across the room, to a nearly all stunned audience.

"who...who loaded the gun?"

"Err, me why?"

Kathryn dont you know the rules of this game?"

*yes* "Hmm isnt it one blank and six live bullets?

" NO its five blank and one live"

" oh im so sorry gentleman, ive totally ruined your game!"

"Tuvok, didnt you put the safety on?"


" Oh my fault again, i thought i was supposed to do that, I must have swithched them off, when of course, I was trying to put them on" * as if Im that stupid!*

Site Copyright JanewayChakotay 2001
Story Copyright JoJo 2001