Holo Accident
by Fiona Barnes

disclaimer: all things trek etc.

"Chakotay to EMH we have an emergency in holodeck one."

"I will be right there."

After her body had been examined..

"Well Commander she is dead. What exactly happened?"

"We were climbing that cliff when seven slipped, falling off the rock face."

"Surely the safeties are on?"

"No I switched them off"

"Kathryn why?"

"because i did not want seven anywhere near you. You are mine no one else's. I love you always have." Kathryn flings her arms around Chakotay and kisses him not coming up for air for sometime.

Chakotay pulled her closer and returned her kiss with one of his own.

Site Copyright JanewayChakotay 2001
Story Copyright Fiona Barnes 2001