The Bet
By Queen Arachnia

Disclaimer: yada, yada, yada..


Kathryn sat on the bridge, bored. Suddenly inspiration hit. Quickly she sent a message to Seven on her console then spoke to Tom.

“Tom, how’s betting pool? Care to start another?”

“I’m always up for a bet. But you knew that didn’t you” Tom said slyly.

“Bet you a years worth of rations, I phaser the next person who enters the bridge”

“you’re on captain” Tom laughed.

Kathryn got her phaser ready and stood waiting. Seven arrived a moment later. Taking aim she fired upon seven, grinned at Tom and then planned her date with Chakotay who was suddenly available.


Site Copyright JanewayChakotay 2001
Story Copyright Queen Arachnia 2001