This Magic Moment
by SaRa

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: Paramount owns it, I'm just borrowing. I'll give the characters (or what's left of them) back, and with some improvements. ;o)

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"For my final trick, I will saw my beautiful assistant in half," Tom
announced. "Seven?"

Seven settled herself into the box and Tom closed it up. He took the saw, showed it to his small audience and jammed it into the box.

The audience gasped when Seven screamed in agony.

Tom, not wanting to see her suffer, quickly took a hypospray out of his back pants pocket and injected it into Seven's neck.

Seven quickly went limp with death and everyone relaxed. Then the applause began.

Chakotay leaned over to Kathryn and kissed her on the cheek. "Happy birthday, Kathryn."

Site Copyright JanewayChakotay 2001
Story Copyright SaRa 2001