Creative Cuisine
by Kayla

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: They may not be mine but I don't care!

The EMH dashed into the mess hall, and scanned the inert form lying spread-eagled on the floor.

"It's too late, she's dead." He pronounced.

The assembled crewmembers gazed at him in astonishment. Chakotay broke the silence.

"What happened, Doctor? One second she was fine, the next..," he gestured to the body at his feet.

"Seven had a fatal reaction to Leola Root that caused her implants to explode. I'm sure Neelix left instructions that it not be included in her meals."

All eyes turned to the day's chef.

"I never was a good cook," said the Captain, with a shrug.


Site Copyright JanewayChakotay 2001
Story Copyright Kayla 2001